On The Fly…
Peter Jennings to take a “serious” look at UFOs…Fossett waits, History Channel features first round-the-world air race…Citation crash in freezing drizzle killed eight in Colorado.
Are UFOs finally getting the respect they deserve or is it all part of the ratings game? We'll let you be the judge as TV news icon Peter Jennings examines the topic in a two-hour special on ABC Feb. 24. Jennings denies it's a ratings thing, saying that the 80 million Americans who say they've seen a UFO "deserve a serious hearing from a serious reporter." Uh-huh...
As Steve Fossett prepares to go around the world in 80 hours (the flight is postponed to at least Feb. 21), The History Channel has announced a documentary on less-known but still-pivotal aerial circumnavigation. First Flight Around The World, which airs March 6, looks at an air race held in 1924 that took competitors around the world. Actual footage and re-enactments are used to tell the story...
Eight people died in the crash of a Cessna Citation in freezing drizzle in Colorado Wednesday. The plane went down five miles from Pueblo Airport. The plane was owned by electronics chain Circuit City and four of those who died were employees.