On The Fly…

FCC might review airliner cell phone ban…Sex offender faces jail for lying to FAA on certificate forms…Bruce Willis offered land for an airport…next to his proposed ski resort…Cessna pumping $20 million into single-engine plant…Fossett was co-pilot on glider record flight, according to FAI Web site.

The Federal Communications Commission may study allowing cellphone use on airliners. A vote next week among FCC officials will determine whether the issue comes up for discussion. Whether passengers uncomfortable at the thought of sitting next to a cell yeller will get a vote is not known...

The owner of a Washington State charter company could be going to jail for lying about his past on FAA certificate applications. Clif Dyer didn't tell the FAA about his previous conviction for second-degree rape of a child or that he was undergoing treatment...

Actor Bruce Willis has offered to donate land for a new Idaho airport. Willis owns a tract of flat land near Sun Valley and appeared at a public meeting on future sites to make the offer. But before you start writing fan mail, understand that Willis is planning a ski-resort development near the site he's offering...

Cessna apparently has confidence in its single-engine business. The company is planning a $20 million expansion to its Independence, Kan., high-wing plant. It includes a couple of acres of new buildings and might result in the hiring of 500 more workers over the next few years...

Steve Fossett has lots of aviation records but perhaps not the latest attributed to him by some sources (including AVweb). The Federation Aeronautique International says Fossett's sailplane partner Terry Delore was actually PIC when the duo flew a Schleicher ASH 25 Mi 2193.4 kilometers in a straight line over Argentina a couple of weeks ago. Delore was, however, listed as the co-pilot on a couple of other record flights over a triangular course.