On The Fly…
Faulty GPS data suspect in fatal crash of Piper Cheyenne in Australia…Did you know: accident rate for business flights is .014 per 100,000 hours, says NBAA…Chicago is buying up land (neighborhoods) to accommodate O’Hare expansion.
Australian authorities are investigating whether faulty GPS data contributed to an accident that killed six people near Benalla, Victoria, last July. The Piper Cheyenne involved strayed almost continuously off course and hit a mountain miles from the nearest GPS approach waypoint...
The NBAA is countering all the negative press surrounding three recent high-profile crashes by fine-tuning the stats used to determine the accident rates of business aircraft. According to the NBAA, the accident rate for professionally flown business flights is actually about .014 per 100,000 hours, only slightly higher than the .012 rate for airlines...
Chicago is well on its way to acquiring the land it needs for the anticipated expansion of O'Hare Airport. The city already has 65 percent of the property sewn up in Des Plaines and will start making offers on homes and businesses in Bensenville and Oak Grove. Those who don't sell initially will find themselves in neighborhoods pockmarked with the demolished properties of those who have already sold.