On The Fly…

A Harvard student says his award-winning project is the first step toward a flying motorcycle…Delta Air Lines pilots have agreed to help keep the airline’s biggest planes in the air this summer…The Professional Helicopter Pilots Association will host its first Human Factors Safety Conference…EAA has posted the AirVenture NOTAM online…Pilots are flocking to Haifa, Israel, for the country’s annual fly-in…A cargo pilot was killed Friday when the MU-2 he was flying crashed.

A Harvard student says his award-winning project is the first step toward a flying motorcycle. Kyle Clark said the simulator he built for his term project will evolve into the CyclePlane, which sounds like the ultimate mid-life crisis machine. "The recent release of lightweight super-powered sport bikes makes this aircraft not only possible, but fast, efficient and elegant," he said. Go, Kyle...

Delta Air Lines pilots have agreed to help keep the airline's biggest planes in the air this summer. A combination of retirements and vacations led to a potential shortage of pilots for Boeing 777s and 767s but the union and company worked out a compromise. The planes are big money-makers and Delta needs the cash...

The Professional Helicopter Pilots Association will host its first Human Factors Safety Conference Oct. 15 to Oct. 17 in Biloxi, Miss. Registration for the conference will begin on June 15...

EAA has posted the AirVenture NOTAM online and anyone planning to fly to Oshkosh this year should start now indelibly stamping the information on his or her brain. It's soooo embarrassing to screw up in front of all those people...

Pilots are flocking to Haifa, Israel, for the country's annual fly-in. The pilots will compete in air navigation competitions and take sightseeing trips to places like the Golan Heights and the Negev desert...

A cargo pilot was killed Friday when the MU-2 he was flying crashed a half-mile from Baltimore-Washington International Airport. Thomas Lennon was making his sixth flight of the night carrying checks between Philadelphia and BWI.