On The Fly…
FAA to investigate AOPA’s complaint against Chicago for closing Meigs…EAA posted schedule for kids’ Air Academy and adults’ Fantasy Camp…Safire Aircraft unveiled enhanced new Web site…Aircraft accidents in Alaska fell by 14 percent last year…Pilot accused of drunken flying argues only the FAA has jurisdiction…A pilot for AA startled pax when he asked for a show of Christian hands.
The FAA agrees to investigate AOPA's complaint against Chicago for closing Meigs Field without notice...
EAA announced this summer's schedule for kids' Air Academy and adults' Fantasy Flight Camp at Oshkosh...
Light-jet contender Safire Aircraft unveiled enhanced new Web site...
Aircraft accidents in Alaska fell by 14 percent last year, according to an FAA report. There were 94 general aviation accidents, down from 97 the year before...
Pilot accused of drunken flying argued in court that only the FAA has jurisdiction over his flying, and the state cannot prosecute him on criminal charges...
A pilot for American Airlines startled passengers Friday morning when he asked for a show of hands of Christians, and suggested that travelers use their time aloft to discuss their religious beliefs.