On The Fly…

Smithsonian opened Wright exhibit…ADs were issued for Cessna 208s and Univair Aircraft Corporation aircraft…Eric R. Byer was named NATA’s director of government and industry affairs

The definitive exhibit of the Wright Brothers' contribution to aviation opened last week at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum. "The Wright Brothers and the Invention of the Aerial Age" includes 170 artifacts, including the actual aircraft that flew for the first time on Dec. 17, 1903. The Wright Flyer will be displayed at eye level so patrons can have a good look at its design and structure...

ADs have been finalized for Cessna 208 and Univair Aircraft Corporation aircraft. For the Cessnas, owners must inspect the right inboard flap bell crank for cracks, deformation and missing or incomplete welds. On Univair planes, inspection plates must be installed on outer wing panels to allow inspection for corrosion...

Eric R. Byer has been named to a new post with the National Air Transportation Association. He's been legislative affairs manager for five years and is now its director of government and industry affairs.