On The Fly…
Senate committee approved funding for Airport Watch reporting line…Aviation Hall of Fame honorees celebrate the centennial July 19…Alabama wildlife officials check eagles with a Skylane…Contest determines Concorde’s last passengers.
Funding security is nearer for the Airport Watch Program. During appropriations discussions, Sen. Fritz Hollings successfully offered an amendment directing the continued funding of the toll-free 1-866-GA-SECURE hotline that allows pilots and other to report suspicious activity at airports. The bill containing the amendment will next go to the full Senate...
A total of 22 living aviators enshrined in the National Aviation Hall of Fame will be honored along with the 151 that have died at the Pioneers of Flight Homecoming in Dayton, Ohio. The event is July 19 during the big Dayton Air Show and 2,000 will attend the already sold-out black-tie gala...
Alabama's wildlife authorities are soaring with eagles using a Cessna 182T. The officials inspect the nests of all the state's bald eagles by zeroing in on their locations with the Skylane's GPS. The plane does in 12 hours what ground observers would take weeks to accomplish...
Concorde's last flight will carry winners in a national contest on a farewell tour. Before the engines are shut down forever on the supersonic airliner, 640 lucky winners will be able fly on one of the legs of the tour. The luckiest will get a supersonic champagne flight over the Bay of Biscay. The last commercial flight of the Concorde is Oct. 24 from New York to London.