On The Fly…
Lycoming has issued Mandatory Service Bulletin 554, which calls for removal of bad crankshaft retaining bolts installed in their engines and replacement of the bad bolts within the next 10 hours or seven days of operation (whichever comes first).
Lycoming has issued Mandatory Service Bulletin 554, which calls for removal of bad crankshaftretaining bolts installed in their engines and replacement of the bad boltswithin the next 10 hours or seven days of operation (whichever comes first).Affected engines are all O, IO, (L)TIO or AEIO-540 engines that have had acrankshaft bolt replaced during maintenance or overhaul between November 27,1996, and November 10, 1998...For the first timesince 1961, Key West has scheduled international flights. Discover Air isnow offering round-trip flights between Key West and Nassau three times perweek. Key West halted regular air service with Havana a year prior to the Cubanmissile crisis...The FAA assignedalternate flight routes to planes departing Kennedy Airport on Tuesdaymorning so that the skies would be quiet over Rockaway during a memorial forthe victims of American AirlinesFlight 587 that crashed a year ago...A 13-year-old boysquestions about the safety of tap water on airplanes prompted an investigationby The Wall Street Journal into the matter. The Journal found that salmonella,fecal coliform and other bacteria were present.