On The Fly…

NASA is checking out aeronautical uses for “invisible” material…The Civil Air Patrol says it’s supporting Operation Liberty Shield…Stockholm’s air traffic controllers complain about motion sickness.

Forget Stealth, how about the invisible plane? NASA is tinkering with a coat that makes the wearer seem invisible. Kazutoshi Obana has developed the coat, which has caught NASA's eye for -- among other things - aeronautical designs. The idea is to coat the inside of an airplane cockpit with micro reflectors so pilots could gauge how far they are above the ground just by looking at an image of the outside terrain projected on the floor...

The Civil Air Patrol (CAP) says it's already supporting Operation Liberty Shield. Selected CAP members nationwide who form rapid-response teams for both ground and air missions have been placed on "High" alert by CAP in order to be immediately available when tasked. To perform security missions, CAP aircraft can be outfitted with advanced technology sensors and video-imaging equipment...

Sweden's air traffic controllers are complaining of motion sickness ... in the tower. The controllers at Stockholm's airport say they are getting sick because their tower sways in the wind. Citing budgetary constraints, Sweden's Civil Aviation Authority cancelled plans to stabilize the 270-foot-high tower by putting water storage tanks on the roof. So, the sick controllers have been asked to "relax on firm ground" until they feel better.