On The Fly…
NOTAMs, wherefore art thou? It’s getting easier to find NOTAMs online…Ellen Engleman was sworn in Monday as chairman of the NTSB…2,800 attended the 1st Latin American Business Aviation Conference…Concorde flights cancelled, fueling speculation on the jets’ future…NASM sold 3,000 blueprints for the 1903 Wright Flyer last year.
NOTAMs, wherefore art thou? It's getting easier to find NOTAMs online, though calling FSS before every flight is still the only way to be sure. But you can get a head start, at these links: the FAA NOTAM site, which is updated every 28 days, and the NBAA site, which posts major TFRs and frequently requested NOTAMs...
Ellen G. Engleman was sworn in Monday as chairman of the NTSB. She previously was head of the DOT's Research and Special Programs Administration. Engleman has a master's in public administration from Harvard University, holds a law degree, and serves as an officer in the U.S. Naval Reserve...
More than 2,800 people attended the First Annual Latin American Business Aviation Conference & Exhibition, held last week in Sao Paulo, Brazil...
British Airways cancelled eight Concorde flights over the next few weeks, citing delays in installing new cockpit doors required by U.S. regulations, and fueling speculation that the supersonic jets are going to be discontinued...
But will it fly? Over the last year, more than 3,000 sets of blueprints for the 1903 Wright Flyer were sold by the Smithsonian's National Air & Space Museum, at $50 apiece.