On The Fly…
Glacier Girl documentary on History Channel tonight…Hooters Air’s first pair of flights launch March 6…Jeb Bush’s King Air was hit by lightning, wing holed, no one hurt…Bombardier asked to open contract, union worried about precedent…Passenger risk-threat system to undergo tests…First online pilot safety seminar planned.
Saturday, Lancair rolled out it's first aircraft since funding problems stopped the production line back in August. The $55 million infusion from the Malaysian Department of Finance should fund future operations "indefinitely," company president Bing Lantis told the Bend Bulletin. Lancair expects to ramp up production and fill its backlog of 180 planes before 2005...
The story of Glacier Girl will be broadcast on the History Channel tonight. "The Hunt for the Lost Squadron" traces the recovery of a WWII P-38 buried for decades deep in the ice of Greenland, its 10-year restoration and flight last year. The 90-minute feature will air at 9 p.m. EST...
The first pair of flights by Hooters Air will launch March 6 when a VIP flight leaves Myrtle Beach, S.C., to pick up the first paying customers on a flight from Atlanta Hartsfield International Airport back to Myrtle Beach. There'll be chicken wings, cake and plenty of tight orange sweaters for the send-off. "We aim to bring the fun back to flying," said Hooters owner Robert Brooks...
No, that wasn't your brother talking, Jeb. Florida Gov. Jeb Bush's King Air was struck by lightning on a flight from Tallahassee to Orlando on Thursday. The bolt from the blue put a hole in the King Air's wing but the flight was otherwise uneventful and none of the seven people aboard was hurt....
A request by Bombardier to renegotiate a major labor contract has caused concern among workers at all four aerospace companies in Wichita, Kan. Bombardier has asked to open the deal in a bid to lower costs at the Wichita plant. Company officials have said the plant might close without concessions. The Machinists Union is afraid it will set a precedent for other companies...
A new passenger risk threat detection system will be tested at three airports this month. The system will check passenger information against existing databases to make sure each passenger is who he or she says he or she is. Advocates say law-abiding citizens need not fear the system but critics have raised Big Brother-type concerns...
Australia's Civil Aviation Safety Authority is hosting the first-ever online pilots' safety forum next week. Hundreds of aviation people will attend a conference in Sydney on a proposed revamping of the aviation system in Australia. Those who can't make it are encouraged to log on to a live, interactive feed...