Single-Pilot Program Trains Solo Jet Pilots, And Boosts Insurability
Single pilots of jets now have a new opportunity to experience a rigorous training regimen that dovetails with preferred consideration for insurance. Training provider CAE is partnering with Starr Insurance…

Single-pilots of light jets can now combine a rigorous training program with preferential insurance coverage.
Single pilots of jets now have a new opportunity to experience a rigorous training regimen that dovetails with preferred consideration for insurance. Training provider CAE is partnering with Starr Insurance Companies in a program designed to both ensure a high level of safety and simultaneously increase insurability for both owner-pilots and commercial operators moving up to jets.
CAE’s program consists of an 18-month mentorship training cycle using scenario-based simulator training, the company’s Flight Training Data Monitoring with CAE Rise, in-aircraft mentoring and Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT). The mentoring sessions for participants involve classroom sessions in simulators as well as live aircraft training based on mentoring sessions with "specially trained and highly experienced instructors," according to CAE.
Nick Leontidis, CAE’s Group president of Civil Aviation Training Solutions, outlined the impetus for the program: “Insurance rates continue to rise and are sometimes unattainable for operators of single-pilot aircraft who don’t have the experience of career pilots.” Kyle Sparks, senior vice president and chief underwriting officer of Starr Aviation, echoed Leontidis’ concern: “Aircraft owner pilots of single-pilot jet aircraft are a particularly difficult class to insure. CAE’s rigorous professional flight training regimen will help owner-pilots fly safer. And the extensive flight behavior data we’ll get from the program will ensure more accurate insurance underwriting. This initiative will help many of these owners secure the insurance coverage they need for their expensive aircraft.”