Jeppesen Charts Coming To ForeFlight
After many years pushing their own electronic flight bag solution, Jeppesen has reached a deal with ForeFlight to make Jeppesen chart and flight data available on the ForeFlight app. The number-one question Ive gotten from pilots around the world is when can I get Jeppesen charts on ForeFlight? says Ken Sain, Jeppesen COO.

After many years pushing their own electronic flight bag solution, Jeppesen has reached a deal with ForeFlight to make Jeppesen chart and flight data available on the ForeFlight app. "The number-one question I've gotten from pilots around the world is ‘when can I get Jeppesen charts on ForeFlight?'" says Ken Sain, Jeppesen COO. A Jeppesen data module will soon be an in-app purchase option in ForeFlight. Adding Jeppesen data for the United States will be a $199 per year ForeFlight option. Existing Jeppesen general aviation customers will be able to access the data they already pay for through ForeFlight.
On the airline side, Jeppesen's Flight Deck Pro is going to begin to incorporate ForeFlight's technology features and user interface design. Jeppesen will continue to offer its Mobile FliteDeck VFR app, which failed to gain significant market share against the much more popular ForeFlight and, to a lesser degree, Garmin Pilot, though they expect most pilots will continue to choose ForeFlight. Jeppesen and ForeFlight have been working together to integrate their respective technology for four to five months.