Sandel Avionics CEO Resigns
Former CEO and founder of Sandel Avionics Gerry Block announced last week that he has resigned from the company. Block started California-based Sandel, which specializes in “integrated display systems for…

Image: Sandel Avionics
Former CEO and founder of Sandel Avionics Gerry Block announced last week that he has resigned from the company. Block started California-based Sandel, which specializes in “integrated display systems for general aviation, business aviation, air transport and regional aircraft,” in 1998. He is credited with being “the creative force behind the company’s complete product line” including the SN3308 ColorMap HSI, Commuter Airline TAWS, HeliTaws and the new Avilon King Air Cockpit—shown in the video below and due to begin shipping this year.
No reason has been given for Block’s resignation. “During my tenure, I kept focused on the integrity of Sandel’s products and the integrity of relationships with people,” said Block. “I want to maintain that personal legacy.”
Steve Jackson, who has been Sandel’s Chief Financial Officer since 2016, has succeeded Block as CEO. Jackson has previously worked at companies including Flux Power, Verdezyne, and JackBar Consulting. Sandel has not yet responded to a request for comment.