Bose 'AirVenture 2023
Volume 30, Number 30b, July 25, 2023
100LL Replacement Talks Held-Issues Remain
The developer of the only available unleaded replacement for 100LL says he met with an industry committee charged with smoothing the transition to an unleaded future for the first time last week. George Braly, whose G100UL is available by STC[…]   Read this article
Runway Incidents Affect AirVenture Traffic
A trio of minor runway mishaps on Saturday and Sunday caused some anxious moments and inconvenience for some pilots as traffic poured in to Wittman Field for AirVenture 2023. EAA spokesman Dick Knapinski said that on Saturday the pilot of[…]   Read this article
Gogoair 'AVANCE = Inflight connectivity
Turning Around
You’re feeling pretty good as you descend towards your destination airport. Under Center’s watch, you’ve just checked the latest ATIS, briefed the advertised approach to Runway 27, and you’ve got your avionics all set accordingly. Center switches you to Approach.[…] Read this article

MT Propeller 'OSH23 Special'
AirVenture 2023: Honeywell KX200 NavComm
The King KX155 and KX165 navcomm radios are two of the most popular navcomm radios of all time and there are plenty of these aging rigs still in service begging for an easy upgrade. Honeywell showed up at AirVenture 2023[…] Read this article

Tempest 'AeroGuard Induction Air Filters
Pelton Says Reauthorization In Trouble At Senate
EAA President Jack Pelton says he’s doubtful the GA-friendly FAA reauthorization bill recently passed unanimously by the House will get through the Senate. In his opening-day news conference at AirVenture 2023, Pelton hailed the unanimous passing of the House bill,[…] Read this article

Aspen 'Renew your panel AirVenture 2023
Whelen 'Oshkosh 2023
Podcast: ICON Aircraft At AirVenture 2023
In this podcast recorded at AirVenture 2023, ICON Aircraft CEO Jerry Meyer sat down with AVweb to discuss a new propeller option for the A5, company updates and the potential effects of the recently proposed MOSAIC regulations. Read this article

Rotax 'AirVenture 2023 Engine oil'
Cirrus Unveils Private Pilot Program
Cirrus Aircraft officially launched its new private pilot training program on Monday at the 2023 AirVenture Oshkosh fly-in convention. Designed for student pilots looking to earn their private pilot certificates, the Cirrus Private Pilot Program includes online ground school lessons[…] Read this article

JP Instruments 'Power Trio v3
IFR 'The only magazine...
General Aviation Accident Bulletin, July 24, 2023
AVweb’s General Aviation Accident Bulletin is taken from the pages of our sister publication, Aviation Safety magazine. All the reports listed here are preliminary and include only initial factual findings about crashes. You can learn more about the final probable[…] Read this article