David Clark 'The most comfortable ANR headset
Volume 30, Number 32c, August 9, 2023
Piper M600/SLS HALO Autoland Now Approved In Canada
Canadian operators of Piper Aircraft M600 single-engine turboprops are now cleared for the Garmin Autoland system. Piper announced Aug. 3 it has been awarded approval from Transport Canada’s Civil Aviation (TCAA) authorities for the M600/SLS HALO safety system, which includes[…]   Read this article
Work-In-Progress Tiger Puts 'Family' Value Ahead Of Fiscal Numbers
Sometimes, a simple panel upgrade can take on a life of its own. Eric Tierno has “a small stake” in a New Hampshire family-owned Grumman Tiger that needed upgraded avionics, but the project … well, expanded. “It started as some[…]   Read this article
Tempest 'AeroGuard Induction Air Filters
Cessna SkyCourier Receives Approval From Brazilian Aviation Authority
Textron Aviation announced today (Aug. 8) it has received type certification for its SkyCourier twin turboprop utility aircraft from the National Civil Aviation Authority of Brazil (ANAC). Textron expects the versatile Pratt & Whitney PT6A-65SC-powered twin to find a healthy[…] Read this article

Garmin 'EIS GI 275
Oklahoma Meeting To Consider $505K In Aerospace Education Grants
The Oklahoma Aeronautics Commission meets Wednesday (Aug. 9) to evaluate what would be a record amount of proposed educational grants. Totaling more than $505,000, the funds would go to up to 72 educational organizations “to bring more students in Oklahoma[…] Read this article

MCICO '3-pack is back
Happy Days Are Back Again For Airline Profit Seekers
GA pilots who may have been losing sleep over the financial fate of the airline industry can rest a little easier. Moody’s Investors Service today (Aug. 8) published a positive outlook for the global airline industry. (Also announced today, Moody’s[…] Read this article

IFR 'The only magazine for pilots who understand...
Short Final: 007
I recently had a long flight from Somerset, New Jersey, to Houston Southwest Texas. I don’t remember which approach controller it was, but when I got handed off to him and I checked in, he acknowledged, “Malibu 7MX, XYZ approach,[…] Read this article