Aspen 'Glass + auto pilot...
Volume 30, Number 44c, November 1, 2023
Indictment Alleges FO Threatened To Shoot His Captain Over Flight Diversion
A California airline pilot who is a member of the Federal Flight Deck Officer program has been indicted for allegedly threatening to shoot his captain for diverting a flight for a medical emergency. The Associated Press said the Transportation Department’s[…]   Read this article
Bose 'Quiet the noise
Torrance Council Trying To Ban Touch And Goes
The city council in Torrance, California, is trying to ban touch and goes at its airport despite warnings from aviation groups and the FAA that it’s blatantly illegal. Zamperini Field is home to 10 flight schools and the Robinson Helicopter[…] Read this article

Garmin 'GI 275 EIS
Deconstructing The Cirrus Hate
Time can make all the difference. Sometimes it’s 30 seconds, or two weeks, or the 623 long days it took NASA to put Apollo back on track after a deadly fire. For my purposes here, it’s three years and a[…] Read this article

MCICO 'Max Power
SpaceX Awaits Environmental Review Before Next Starship Launch
SpaceX says it’s ready to launch its Starship rocket for a second attempt as soon as an environmental review of its new launch system is complete. On Oct. 31, the FAA wrapped up a safety review of the first Starship[…] Read this article

IFR 'The only magazine that speaks your language Wed
Lack Of Safety Enforcement, Competition Pressure Cited In STOL Fatality
An NTSB final report into the fatal crash at an impromptu STOL competition in Nebraska in May of 2022 suggests the FAA inspectors onsite could have prevented the tragedy by enforcing rules already established for the STOL drag race that[…] Read this article