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Volume 30, Number 29a, July 17, 2023
Pilot Incapacitated, Passenger Crash-Lands Meridian
A female passenger in a Piper Meridian took the controls after the 79-year-old pilot was incapacitated, and she crash-landed the big single off the runway at Martha’s Vineyard Airport in Massachusetts on Saturday. Both were taken to a nearby hospital,[…]   Read this article
Why No Love For The B-21?
When I was a budding juvenile delinquent growing up in the Texas oil patch, I was at least smart enough to get myself an aircraft identification book. I can’t remember the title, but I’d bet it was something like The[…]   Read this article
Lightspeed 'Delta Zulu improved
Interview: 40 Years Of RANS Aircraft
Veteran aircraft builder Randy Schlitter will concede there may be as many as 150 small aircraft manufacturers around the world, but not many are as prolific or creative as he has been in 50 years of running a company and[…] Read this article

Aircraft Spruce 'Everything for Planes & Pilots
United Pilots Get Up To 40.2 Percent Increases In Tentative Contract
United pilots will get a raise in pay of up to 40.2 percent over the next four years under a tentative contract deal reached Saturday. United was the last of the majors to settle with its pilots and the major[…] Read this article

Arizona B-17 Back On Tour, EAA's Grounded For AirVenture
Less than two months after the FAA issued an AD that grounded the flyable B-17s in the U.S., at least one of them is back in the air and thrilling warbird fans in southern British Columbia. The Airbase Arizona Museum’s[…] Read this article

Kitplanes 'Take to the air
Zuckerberg Obtains Student Pilot Certificate
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg is apparently on the long list of high achievers who’s decided the next challenge will be getting a pilot certificate. According to Insider, the social media magnate has successfully obtained his student pilot certificate. We couldn’t[…] Read this article

Top Letters And Comments, July 14, 2023
Pattern Wars: Part Deux Great article, Paul. You’ve hit the nail on the head with NORDOs and common-sense safety. If someone can splurge on an iPad for navigation, it’s safe to assume they can also afford a transceiver for communication.[…] Read this article