David Clark 'Headset hunting?
Volume 30, Number 19d, May 11, 2023
Republic Wants Pilots To Pay $100,000 If They Leave Before Three Years
Republic Airways is telling new pilot hires that if they leave the company in less than three years they’ll also be leaving behind $100,000. Like all regionals, its experienced captains are being poached at a furious rate by the majors[…]   Read this article
How To Convert A Motorcycle To An Electric Airplane In 501 Easy Steps
We could kid ourselves and say electric airplanes are making great strides but … they aren’t. Electric airplanes are coming for sure and are making progress, but their capabilities are still limited. In this video, KITPLANES Editor-at-Large Paul Dye explains[…]   Read this article
Tempest 'AeroGuard Induction Air Filters
FAA Issues 2023 AirVenture Procedures 'Notice'
The FAA has published the EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2023 Notice (formerly known as the AirVenture NOTAM) and is urging anyone flying to the big show to study it carefully. Changes for this year (other than the name change, which is[…] Read this article

Aspen 'Trading up. Paying less. Flying happy.
Air Force Training Commander Fired
One of the Air Force’s top commanders has been fired amid unspecified misconduct allegations. Maj. Gen. Phillip A. Stewart, commander of the 19th Air Force, was relieved “for loss of confidence in his ability to command” the unit according to[…] Read this article

Airfleet Capital 'Aircraft Financing
Quadruple Amputee Flight Instructor Breaking Barriers, Opening Doors
For student pilots at Tulsa’s Spartan College who suffer the inevitable training setbacks, one of their instructors is an example that challenges can be overcome. CFI Zack Anglin was born without hands and feet (and is classified as a quad[…] Read this article


1968 Beechcraft B55 Baron

1987 Mooney M20K 252TSE

2001 Cessna 182T Skylane N82FL

2004 Cessna 182T Skylane N425P

Kitplanes 'Take to the air