A Bad Week For Ex-Boeing CEO … But With A Couple Million For Solace
Boeing CEO Harry Stonecipher has been booted from the company for breaking its code of conduct by having an affair with a female executive at the company … but he still is parachuting away with more than $2 million. Last Thursday, Boeing told the Securities and Exchange Commission that Stonecipher would be paid the $2.1 million bonus he earned in 2004, and will continue to collect pay and benefits through his official retirement date of April 1, at an annual rate of $1.5 million. He might not get to keep it all, though. Also on Thursday, his wife of 50 years filed for divorce, asking the court to grant her an “equitable share” of the couple’s property.

Boeing CEO Harry Stonecipher has been booted from the company for breaking its code of conduct by having an affair with a female executive at the company ... but he still is parachuting away with more than $2 million. Last Thursday, Boeing told the Securities and Exchange Commission that Stonecipher would be paid the $2.1 million bonus he earned in 2004, and will continue to collect pay and benefits through his official retirement date of April 1, at an annual rate of $1.5 million. He might not get to keep it all, though. Also on Thursday, his wife of 50 years filed for divorce, asking the court to grant her an "equitable share" of the couple's property. Both are 68 years old. No word yet from Boeing on who will take over the CEO slot.

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