A Happy Ending For California Airport
It’s pretty rare that we hear about a threatened airport, and then find out that the threat has subsided and all’s well. But that’s just what happened in Los Angeles County, when the Regional Planning Commission voted 4 to 1 on April 20 to retain Agua Dulce Airpark as a public-use airport. Some neighbors had asked that usage of the airport be restricted, and airport owner Barry Kirshner was prepared to accommodate them. Then he started to get reaction from the larger GA community, including the state Aeronautics Division, and realized that cutting off public access was not the answer. An FAA attorney told the commission that the county’s proposed restrictions on the airpark would likely be pre-empted by federal law anyhow. “Today the commission recognized that Agua Dulce Airpark is a community asset and valuable resource,” Kirshner said, after the vote.

It's pretty rare that we hear about a threatened airport, and then find out that the threat has subsided and all's well. But that's just what happened in Los Angeles County, when the Regional Planning Commission voted 4 to 1 on April 20 to retain Agua Dulce Airpark as a public-use airport. Some neighbors had asked that usage of the airport be restricted, and airport owner Barry Kirshner was prepared to accommodate them. Then he started to get reaction from the larger GA community, including the state Aeronautics Division, and realized that cutting off public access was not the answer. An FAA attorney told the commission that the county's proposed restrictions on the airpark would likely be pre-empted by federal law anyhow. "Today the commission recognized that Agua Dulce Airpark is a community asset and valuable resource," Kirshner said, after the vote. The proposed limitations on the airport would have been "excessively burdensome, unworkable, and unenforceable," according to the Aeronautics Division. "If adopted, we do not anticipate that these provisions would meaningfully promote flight safety or alleviate the complaints of the individuals surrounding the airport, except reduce its overall utility and capacity."