AD Watch
The combustion heater fuel pump (model 91E92-1 or 91E93-1) in certain New Piper PA-34-200T, PA-44-180, and PA-44-180T aircraft must be inspected for leaks. If leaks are found, the pumps must be repaired or replaced. The rudder torque tube and associated ribs must be inspected on various New Piper PA-31 models to check for corrosion. An inspection hole must be cut to accomplish the inspection. Comments on this NPRM will be received until Aug. 11, 2003. An AD, effective July 28, 2003, requires owners of Pilatus PC-12 and PC-12/45 aircraft to inspect the front and rear pressure dome for damage and cracks and repair as necessary.
The combustion heater fuel pump (model 91E92-1 or 91E93-1) in certain New Piper PA-34-200T, PA-44-180, and PA-44-180T aircraft must be inspected for leaks. If leaks are found, the pumps must be repaired or replaced.
The rudder torque tube and associated ribs must be inspected on various New Piper PA-31 models to check for corrosion. An inspection hole must be cut to accomplish the inspection. Comments on this NPRM will be received until Aug. 11, 2003.
An AD, effective July 28, 2003, requires owners of Pilatus PC-12 and PC-12/45 aircraft to inspect the front and rear pressure dome for damage and cracks and repair as necessary.
Editorial StaffAVweb
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