ADIZ-Grounded Aircraft To Be Freed
Owners of aircraft grounded by the imposition of the Washington Air Defense Identification Zone may soon be able to make a one-way flight out of the restricted area. We’ve heard lots of opinions about the hassle (and futility) of the ADIZ but lost in the controversy is the plight of scores of owners of ultralights, homebuilts and vintage aircraft that don’t have communications gear required to fly in the ADIZ. Short of hauling their aircraft on a truck to the nearest unrestricted airfield, these pilots have had no choice but to stay grounded since the ADIZ was imposed. It now appears EAA has convinced the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to allow most of the simpler aircraft to fly to friendlier skies. Those based at College Park, Potomac Airfield and Hyde Field will not be allowed to take part.
Owners of aircraft grounded by the imposition of the Washington Air Defense Identification Zone may soon be able to make a one-way flight out of the restricted area. We've heard lots of opinions about the hassle (and futility) of the ADIZ but lost in the controversy is the plight of scores of owners of ultralights, homebuilts and vintage aircraft that don't have communications gear required to fly in the ADIZ. Short of hauling their aircraft on a truck to the nearest unrestricted airfield, these pilots have had no choice but to stay grounded since the ADIZ was imposed. It now appears EAA has convinced the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to allow most of the simpler aircraft to fly to friendlier skies. Those based at College Park, Potomac Airfield and Hyde Field will not be allowed to take part. The TSA announced Thursday the creation of a three-phase relocation plan for the planes. First, owners have to register themselves (pilot and owners' full names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses) and the aircraft (tail number, aircraft location with latitude and longitude coordinates, radio and transponder capabilities) with the TSA by phone (571-227-1538) fax (571-221-2948) or e-mail ( no later than September. 12. Then the TSA will come up with a plan and finally have the FAA issue a NOTAM. It's hoped at least two weeks' notice will be provided to allow owners to prepare for the flight. Watch AVweb for more details in the fall.