Air Race Classic 2005 Extends Entry Deadline

The Air Race Classic will launch this year from Purdue University, in Lafayette, Ind., on June 21. This annual cross-country race for women pilots, the only one of its kind, will cover more than 2,000 nautical miles. The round-robin route includes stops in Wisconsin, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Ohio, and finally circles back to Indiana on June 24. Entries are limited to fixed-wing aircraft from 145 to 570 horsepower. Each airplane is flown by a team of two pilots, and is handicapped based on speed. There’s some good news for procrastinators — the entry deadline has been extended to May 8.

The Air Race Classic will launch this year from Purdue University, in Lafayette, Ind., on June 21. This annual cross-country race for women pilots, the only one of its kind, will cover more than 2,000 nautical miles. The round-robin route includes stops in Wisconsin, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Ohio, and finally circles back to Indiana on June 24. Entries are limited to fixed-wing aircraft from 145 to 570 horsepower. Each airplane is flown by a team of two pilots, and is handicapped based on speed. There's some good news for procrastinators -- the entry deadline has been extended to May 8. Purdue alumnus and NASA astronaut Dr. Janice Voss will be the speaker at the Awards Gala on June 26. Purdue is also hosting a takeoff banquet, a community cookout, and a "blast-off breakfast" at the start of the race, plus a tour of the university's Amelia Earhart collection. Prizes totaling $15,000 will be awarded to the finishers.