AirShares Elite, AOPA Team Up To Mentor New Pilots
Yesterday at Oshkosh, AirShares Elite said it will donate $100,000 worth of free flight time to help encourage AOPA’s latest effort to recruit new pilots. In the few weeks since AOPA launched its revitalized Project Pilot at its annual Open House in Maryland, nearly 1,000 AOPA members have already signed up to be mentors and recruit new flyers. “When I learned that the pilot population had declined by 25 percent over the past 25 years, I knew that we had to inspire more people to move from being wannabe pilots to gottabe pilots,” said AirShares Elite CEO David Lee. Lee said he hopes that introducing interested newcomers to flight in a Cirrus will help to convince them of the benefits of GA flying.

Yesterday at Oshkosh, AirShares Elite said it will donate $100,000 worth of free flight time to help encourage AOPA's latest effort to recruit new pilots. In the few weeks since AOPA launched its revitalized Project Pilot at its annual Open House in Maryland, nearly 1,000 AOPA members have already signed up to be mentors and recruit new flyers. "When I learned that the pilot population had declined by 25 percent over the past 25 years, I knew that we had to inspire more people to move from being wannabe pilots to gottabe pilots," said AirShares Elite CEO David Lee. Lee said he hopes that introducing interested newcomers to flight in a Cirrus will help to convince them of the benefits of GA flying. "Using the great tools available through Project Pilot, we want to enable all of our owners to each convert at least one new prospect into a successful student pilot as well as challenge other aviation companies to step forward and support such a worthwhile cause," he said.