Alabama Airshow’s “74th”

If you like your airshows down-home and old-fashioned, Alabama has got one for you. The 74th Anniversary Wings and Wheels Airshow, at the Shelby County Airport (found at the “Heart of the Heart of Dixie,” the Web site says), will have Full Moon barbeque, Zeigler hot dogs, Blue Bell ice cream, and Pepsi, not to mention airplane rides for all comers, all day long, for $20 to $30, as long as they last. Up in the air, the Red Star Formation Team of warbirds will make its local debut, with a massive formation flyover of Yaks and Nanchang aircraft. The show began as the National Air Carnival in 1932, and may be the longest-running annual airshow in the world.

If you like your airshows down-home and old-fashioned, Alabama has got one for you. The 74th Anniversary Wings and Wheels Airshow, at the Shelby County Airport (found at the "Heart of the Heart of Dixie," the Web site says), will have Full Moon barbeque, Zeigler hot dogs, Blue Bell ice cream, and Pepsi, not to mention airplane rides for all comers, all day long, for $20 to $30, as long as they last. Up in the air, the Red Star Formation Team of warbirds will make its local debut, with a massive formation flyover of Yaks and Nanchang aircraft. The show began as the National Air Carnival in 1932, and may be the longest-running annual airshow in the world. Organizers have asked the International Council of Air Shows to verify if that is true or not, and an announcement is expected at the show, Sept. 23-24. Aerobatics displays of various sorts are on the roster. Skydiver Jamie Lyn will open the show, descending along with a 65-foot-wide U.S. flag. "For your comfort, be sure to bring your lawn chair," the organizers suggest.