And A Little Good News
While GA airports are too often the target of cranky neighbors and developers in search of space to develop, now and then a local community discovers that aviation can enhance its quality of life. Such a story is unfolding in Tinicum, Pa., amid the suburbs between Philadelphia and New York City, where a little grass airstrip, Van Sant field, was bought for $2.9 million by Buck County’s park and recreation association to save it from development. The field now will remain open for enjoyment by antique, classic and glider aircraft, the pilots who fly them, the neighbors who are welcome to visit, and the bobolinks that nest among the trees surrounding the turf.

While GA airports are too often the target of cranky neighbors and developers in search of space to develop, now and then a local community discovers that aviation can enhance its quality of life. Such a story is unfolding in Tinicum, Pa., amid the suburbs between Philadelphia and New York City, where a little grass airstrip, Van Sant field, was bought for $2.9 million by Buck County's park and recreation association to save it from development. The field now will remain open for enjoyment by antique, classic and glider aircraft, the pilots who fly them, the neighbors who are welcome to visit, and the bobolinks that nest among the trees surrounding the turf.

Editorial StaffAVweb
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