AOPA-ASF Launches Free Runway-Safety Course Online
Statistics show the number of pilot-caused runway incursions is slowly declining overall, but the percentage caused by GA pilots is on the rise. By taking a new 60-minute course, you can earn points with the FAA, just in case you ever need them: “If involved in a runway incursion, the FAA will normally be more lenient to those who have passed the Runway Safety course and who meet other criteria,” says the FAA Office of Runway Safety. Starting today, AOPA’s Air Safety Foundation is offering a free online course, “Runway Safety: Safe Flying Starts and Ends on the Ground,” to help keep pilots focused on the dangers and out of trouble. Pilots who complete the course and pass a quiz can print out their own certificate, qualifying for the FAA Wings program.

Statistics show the number of pilot-caused runway incursions is slowly declining overall, but the percentage caused by GA pilots is on the rise. By taking a new 60-minute course, you can earn points with the FAA, just in case you ever need them: "If involved in a runway incursion, the FAA will normally be more lenient to those who have passed the Runway Safety course and who meet other criteria," says the FAA Office of Runway Safety. Starting today, AOPA's Air Safety Foundation is offering a free online course, "Runway Safety: Safe Flying Starts and Ends on the Ground," to help keep pilots focused on the dangers and out of trouble. Pilots who complete the course and pass a quiz can print out their own certificate, qualifying for the FAA Wings program. The entire process takes about an hour, and includes animations, videos and audio sections (all of which worked flawlessly in our online test, despite using an aging iMac with not-the-newest Netscape). "The learning technology in this course reflects an ambitious effort," ASF Executive Director Bruce Landsberg told AVweb on Tuesday. "We hope to make a dent in runway safety," he said. "We're trying to inoculate If you think you know it all already, you can also test out by passing the pre-test at the start of the program. "Not many people are that good," said Landsberg.