Audio News

AVweb posts audio news on Mondays, plus a new in-depth interview each Friday. In Friday’s podcast, you’ll find exclusive news about rumored changes to the ADIZ. And AVweb’s podcast index includes interviews with Adam Aircraft chairman Rick Adam and New Piper CEO Jim Bass, recorded live at the recent NBAA Convention in Orlando. And in Monday’s news summary, hear from Cessna’s Jack Pelton on his company’s LSA, TCM president Bryan Lewis, NATCA president John Carr, New Hal Shevers for Sporty’s Pilot Shop, Light Sport guru Dan Johnson, Excel Jet’s Bob Bornhofen, Adam Aircraft’s Joe Walker, FAA administrator Marion Blakey, Cirrus Design’s Alan and Dale Klapmeier and more. Plus: Listen in to an exclusive interview with Cirrus’ Dale Klapmeier about the current state of Cirrus Serial Number 1, courtesy of our sister publication, Aviation Consumer. Remember: In AVweb’s podcasts, you’ll hear things you won’t find anywhere else.

AVweb posts audio news on Mondays, plus a new in-depth interview each Friday. In Friday's podcast, you'll find exclusive news about rumored changes to the ADIZ. And AVweb's podcast index includes interviews with Adam Aircraft chairman Rick Adam and New Piper CEO Jim Bass, recorded live at the recent NBAA Convention in Orlando. And in Monday's news summary, hear from Cessna's Jack Pelton on his company's LSA, TCM president Bryan Lewis, NATCA president John Carr, New Hal Shevers for Sporty's Pilot Shop, Light Sport guru Dan Johnson, Excel Jet's Bob Bornhofen, Adam Aircraft's Joe Walker, FAA administrator Marion Blakey, Cirrus Design's Alan and Dale Klapmeier and more. Plus: Listen in to an exclusive interview with Cirrus' Dale Klapmeier about the current state of Cirrus Serial Number 1, courtesy of our sister publication, Aviation Consumer. Remember: In AVweb's podcasts, you'll hear things you won't find anywhere else.