Aviation Consumer Seeks Your Gyro Back-Up Thoughts
Our sister publication, Aviation Consumer, is examining the topic of back-up gyro strategies for light aircraft, specifically using PDAs or Garmin 296-type flight instrument displays as gyro back-ups. The editors would like to hear pros and cons from readers who have used such devices to back up vacuum or electric gyros. Did they work for that purpose? Knowing what you know now, would you do it again? Contact the magazine at aviationeditorial@comcast.net with your comments.

Our sister publication, Aviation Consumer, is examining the topic of back-up gyro strategies for light aircraft, specifically using PDAs or Garmin 296-type flight instrument displays as gyro back-ups. The editors would like to hear pros and cons from readers who have used such devices to back up vacuum or electric gyros. Did they work for that purpose? Knowing what you know now, would you do it again? Contact the magazine at aviationeditorial@comcast.net with your comments.

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