Blakey Fills Her Cabinet
FAA Administrator Marion C. Blakey announced the following appointments by President George W. Bush to top agency posts: Robert Sturgell has been appointed Senior Counsel to the Administrator.

FAA Administrator Marion C. Blakey announced the following appointments byPresident George W. Bush to top agency posts: Robert Sturgell has beenappointed Senior Counsel to the Administrator. Sturgell previously worked as a line pilot and flight operationssupervisor. He will now advise the administrator on policy and managementissues, as well as on the agencys capital programs and modernization efforts.David Mandell, who previously practiced commercial litigation with a Philadelphialaw firm, has been appointed Chief of Staff to the Administrator. Mandell willact as Administrator Blakeys primary aide and advisor in the management andadministration of the agency. Mandell will also serve as a key legal advisor tothe administrator on many legal issues including all procurement andacquisition disputes as well as civil penalty cases. Greg Martin has beenappointed Assistant Administrator for Public Affairs. Martin will be the FAAschief spokesperson, responsible for the strategic development and overallmanagement of both the agencys external and internal communications programs,media relations and Web site. David Balloff, who served in a similar role underBlakey while at the NTSB, has been appointed Assistant Administrator forGovernment and Industry Affairs. Balloff will be the FAAs chief liaison toCongress.