Boeing Looks at McAirliners
If Boeing has its way, all aircraft they make would look nearly the same. In an effort to continually reinvent itself amidst the worst economic situation the airline industry has ever faced, the Seattle-based aerospace giant is trying to promote the idea of selling somewhat “standardized” aircraft. This includes offering jets outfitted with essentially the same equipment to its airline customer base. This, in turn, would noticeably bring down the cost per aircraft.
Boeing Looks at McAirliners
If Boeing has its way, all aircraft they make would look nearly the same. In an effort to continually reinvent itself amidst the worst economic situation the airline industry has ever faced, the Seattle-based aerospace giant is trying to promote the idea of selling somewhat "standardized" aircraft. This includes offering jets outfitted with essentially the same equipment to its airline customer base. This, in turn, would noticeably bring down the cost per aircraft. This concept works for low-budget carriers -- like Frontier or Southwest -- who tend to operate very similar equipment, often from a particular manufacturer. But not all airlines share the same ideas on what an airplane should be. "Airlines will say to us, 'We like the idea of you guys making a standard airplane, just make sure it's the same as ours','' Kent Fisher, vice president of the Future Customer and Market at Boeing's Seattle-based commercial jet unit, told Reuters in a recent interview.