Cessna Joins LAMA

It wasn’t long ago that it seemed unlikely to many that Cessna would take a serious interest in the sport aircraft market, with their popular business jets and a full line of GA aircraft to keep them busy. But now Cessna has followed up on its recent announcement that it will bring a Light Sport concept aircraft to AirVenture by officially joining up with the Light Aircraft Manufacturers Association (LAMA). “We are very pleased to welcome Cessna to membership in LAMA,” said Tom Gunnarson, president of the organization, in a news release on Tuesday. “We have all the important producers in the emerging light sport aviation industry, so as Cessna studies the opportunities, we believe aligning with LAMA was the right thing to do.”

It wasn't long ago that it seemed unlikely to many that Cessna would take a serious interest in the sport aircraft market, with their popular business jets and a full line of GA aircraft to keep them busy. But now Cessna has followed up on its recent announcement that it will bring a Light Sport concept aircraft to AirVenture by officially joining up with the Light Aircraft Manufacturers Association (LAMA). "We are very pleased to welcome Cessna to membership in LAMA," said Tom Gunnarson, president of the organization, in a news release on Tuesday. "We have all the important producers in the emerging light sport aviation industry, so as Cessna studies the opportunities, we believe aligning with LAMA was the right thing to do." LAMA lists 96 members, which include nearly every manufacturer or importer of Light Sport Aircraft as well as leading businesses serving the new market segment. The majority of Special Light-Sport Aircraft and other Sport Pilot-eligible aircraft will be on display in the EAA AirVenture Oshkosh LSA Mall during the show July 24-30. The Cessna proof-of-concept LSA debut will be adjacent to the LSA Mall and just south of AeroShell Square.