Cessna Offers Online Ice Training

Cessna Caravan operators and pilots who want to beat the rush can register now for an online training package that will likely be mandated by the FAA for those who operate in known icing. The curriculum was developed by Cessna with help from the Regional Air Cargo Carriers Association in response to a series of Caravan accidents where icing may have been a factor. Hundreds of Caravans are in use by cargo companies and are exposed to icing conditions almost every day during the icing season.

Cessna Caravan operators and pilots who want to beat the rush can register now for an online training package that will likely be mandated by the FAA for those who operate in known icing. The curriculum was developed by Cessna with help from the Regional Air Cargo Carriers Association in response to a series of Caravan accidents where icing may have been a factor. Hundreds of Caravans are in use by cargo companies and are exposed to icing conditions almost every day during the icing season. Cessna insists the aircraft is safe as long as it's operated according to the limits set in the POH and the training course reinforces the knowledge of those limits. The course is divided into five sections with a quiz at the end of each section. Students must pass the exam with 80 percent or better in all five sections to obtain a certificate of completion from Cessna. The training course takes two to three hours to complete. Although the course is aimed at Caravan operators, it offers general knowledge that can be applied to flying any kind of airplane in icing conditions. There's a $20 fee for the course.