Cessna Shoulder Harness AD Expanded
Improper installation of a spring may mean that some shoulder restraints installed in some Cessna aircraft will not restrain. The FAA has added 10 more serial numbers to its long list of Cessna airplanes affected by a proposed Airworthiness Directive (AD) regarding shoulder harnesses. The 10 additional numbers belong to Model TU206D aircraft. Because of the change, the FAA is also extending its comment period on the proposed AD until April 9. The FAA estimates this proposed AD affects 75,329 Cessna airplanes in the U.S. registry that have Cessna-designed, add-on shoulder-harness assembly accessory kits for the pilot/co-pilot seats. To comply, owners must have the shoulder harness inspected, and if a retainer spring is found, it must be removed.

Improper installation of a spring may mean that some shoulder restraints installed in some Cessna aircraft will not restrain. The FAA has added 10 more serial numbers to its long list of Cessna airplanes affected by a proposed Airworthiness Directive (AD) regarding shoulder harnesses. The 10 additional numbers belong to Model TU206D aircraft. Because of the change, the FAA is also extending its comment period on the proposed AD until April 9. The FAA estimates this proposed AD affects 75,329 Cessna airplanes in the U.S. registry that have Cessna-designed, add-on shoulder-harness assembly accessory kits for the pilot/co-pilot seats. To comply, owners must have the shoulder harness inspected, and if a retainer spring is found, it must be removed. Estimated cost per airplane is $65 for one hour of labor.