Charlie Victor Romeo Back In Production
For those who missed its first run, Charlie Victor Romeo is returning to off-Broadway. The controversial and compelling play, which uses the final few minutes of cockpit voice recorder (CVR) conversations from crashing airplanes as its dialogue, has been revived and it may be even more poignant now. The show’s initial run in New York ended before 9/11; it toured thereafter and served up some stark reality for the audiences, including AVweb‘s Pete Yost , who saw it in the tiny Collective Unconscious theater on New York’s Lower East Side.

For those who missed its first run, Charlie Victor Romeo is returning to off-Broadway. The controversial and compelling play, which uses the final few minutes of cockpit voice recorder (CVR) conversations from crashing airplanes as its dialogue, has been revived and it may be even more poignant now. The show's initial run in New York ended before 9/11; it toured thereafter and served up some stark reality for the audiences, including AVweb's Pete Yost , who saw it in the tiny Collective Unconscious theater on New York's Lower East Side. The show, which resumed Wednesday at P.S. 122 in New York, begins with actors dressed as flight attendants going through the familiar safety and security routines on board airliners. What follows is a progression of in-flight emergencies in which transcripts from the CVR tapes tell the stories of horror, bravery and death in airplanes. Realistic sound and lighting complete the stories. Playbill says audiences usually left the play "shaken and silent."