Church Vs. GA — Win One, Lose One

While one church in Arkansas is glad to see a neighboring airfield shut down, a congregation in South Dakota goes out its way to invite airplanes in to visit. In Benton, Ark., the congregation at Holland Chapel reluctantly took down its steeple some 20 years ago to accommodate the traffic pattern at the GA airport next door. Last week, the Chapel bought the airfield, putting in a bid for $850,000, and now plans to replace the steeple. A bigger airport is being built nearby. Meanwhile, Dave Klawiter, pastor of a separate (Lutheran) church in Springdale, S.D., closed a road on Sunday to let an assortment of small airplanes and a helicopter land and entertain the flock.

While one church in Arkansas is glad to see a neighboring airfield shut down, a congregation in South Dakota goes out its way to invite airplanes in to visit. In Benton, Ark., the congregation at Holland Chapel reluctantly took down its steeple some 20 years ago to accommodate the traffic pattern at the GA airport next door. Last week, the Chapel bought the airfield, putting in a bid for $850,000, and now plans to replace the steeple. A bigger airport is being built nearby. Meanwhile, Dave Klawiter, pastor of a separate (Lutheran) church in Springdale, S.D., closed a road on Sunday to let an assortment of small airplanes and a helicopter land and entertain the flock. Klawiter has been a pilot for 20 years, and says the annual air show reflects his passion for flight. "In the summer, our attendance drops off a little bit, so it's nice to have a few events that kind of bring folks in and we have a great time," he told Keloland TV.