In AVweb‘s Wednesday, Oct. 18 special issue we inadvertently mischaracterized Caterpillar President and U.S. Chamber of Commerce Chairman Gerald Sheehan’s aviation user-fee remarks at the National Business Aviation Association convention opening session. Sheehan tells AVweb, “I specifically pointed out that a debate over who pays — and how much — is premature. We must first convince the Congress and the public that the need for [aviation] infrastructure improvements is critical. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce does not oppose transportation user fees, but has not yet taken a position on user fees in this instance. My remarks focused on the principles that the industry and Congress [need] to consider as FAA reauthorization legislation moves forward next year.”

In AVweb's Wednesday, Oct. 18 special issue we inadvertently mischaracterized Caterpillar President and U.S. Chamber of Commerce Chairman Gerald Sheehan's aviation user-fee remarks at the National Business Aviation Association convention opening session. Sheehan tells AVweb, "I specifically pointed out that a debate over who pays -- and how much -- is premature. We must first convince the Congress and the public that the need for [aviation] infrastructure improvements is critical. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce does not oppose transportation user fees, but has not yet taken a position on user fees in this instance. My remarks focused on the principles that the industry and Congress [need] to consider as FAA reauthorization legislation moves forward next year." For more on this, read the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's recommendations to Congress for FAA reauthorization.