Diamond Announces D-Jet Fleet Order

Airline Transport Professionals, which provides direct track training for airline pilots, announced the purchase of 20 Diamond D-Jets at AOPA Expo. In turn Diamond has announced that ATP will develop and provide type certificate training for the D-Jet. Diamond President Peter Maurer said training is a key component of any jet program, because of the type certificate requirement, and he noted that ATP trains about 300 transport-rated pilots a month. Diamond is also developing a simulator. But the training arrangement goes both ways and ATP President Derek Dennis said the D-Jet is an ideal platform for his airline ticket students. “What the airlines want is jet time,” he said.

Airline Transport Professionals, which provides direct track training for airline pilots, announced the purchase of 20 Diamond D-Jets at AOPA Expo. In turn Diamond has announced that ATP will develop and provide type certificate training for the D-Jet. Diamond President Peter Maurer said training is a key component of any jet program, because of the type certificate requirement, and he noted that ATP trains about 300 transport-rated pilots a month. Diamond is also developing a simulator. But the training arrangement goes both ways and ATP President Derek Dennis said the D-Jet is an ideal platform for his airline ticket students. "What the airlines want is jet time," he said.

Dennis said the school will take private pilot certificate holders, train them on multi-engine aircraft and then put them in the D-Jet. There's an extra time bonus for future D-Jet owners, too. ATP will take delivery of some of the first D-Jets, which means those with later positions can take the training while their aircraft is waiting to be built and have the type certificate when it's ready.