ExxonMobil Replacing Questionable Oil

While the folks at ExxonMobil say metal particles found in Exxon Elite are nothing to worry about, the company is offering free replacement for pilots who would just as soon have metal-free oil, thanks.

Whilethe folks at ExxonMobil say metal particles found in Exxon Elite are nothing toworry about, the company is offering free replacement for pilots who would justas soon have metal-free oil, thanks. An AOPA memberlast week alerted the association when he noticed sediment -- in the form ofmetallic particles -- at the bottom of a bottle of Exxon Aviation Elite 20W-50oil. AOPA claims that ExxonMobil discovered, in August, that some 1,100 casesof the oil (lot number 002933K4132050 and Fill Code P020430B) distributed inearly summer had been contaminated with small amounts of fine metal particlesfrom a wearing pump used in the manufacturing process. At that time, the companyalerted its distributors and offered to accept any unsold oil. According toAOPA, ExxonMobil officials say sediment found is harmless to aircraft enginesand the metal particles settle out of the oil during shipment. The particlesare said to adhere to the bottom of the bottles even when the oil is pouredinto the airplane, and even if ingested their small size imparts no safety ormaintenance risks. According to ExxonMobil, the oil is well within industryspecifications ... even with the metal. Regardless, the company will replaceunused quarts at no charge. ExxonMobil's Web site offers a distributordirectory, or concerned parties can call ExxonMobil Lubricants at 800/44-Exxon.AOPA and ExxonMobil both indicated that they would run independent tests of thequestionable oil.