FAA Yanks Pilot’s Certificate After Erratic Flight

The TSA may pull your certificate without reason and at a moment’s notice; it took the FAA a bit longer. According to FAA documents, Pennsylvania pilot John V. Salamone on Jan. 15 allegedly made a reckless four-hour flight in his Piper Cherokee while drunk. Last week the FAA took their own action and revoked Salamone’s certificate. John V. Salamone endangered the lives of others, entered controlled airspace without contacting ATC, and forced air traffic controllers to divert numerous aircraft, including a half-dozen airliners, to avoid the Cherokee, the FAA said. Salamone can appeal the action, but cannot keep his certificate during the appeal. Salamone, 44, is president of a concrete company. The FAA said he had no prior incidents or enforcement actions, according to CNN.

The TSA may pull your certificate without reason and at a moment's notice; it took the FAA a bit longer. According to FAA documents, Pennsylvania pilot John V. Salamone on Jan. 15 allegedly made a reckless four-hour flight in his Piper Cherokee while drunk. Last week the FAA took their own action and revoked Salamone's certificate. John V. Salamone endangered the lives of others, entered controlled airspace without contacting ATC, and forced air traffic controllers to divert numerous aircraft, including a half-dozen airliners, to avoid the Cherokee, the FAA said. Salamone can appeal the action, but cannot keep his certificate during the appeal. Salamone, 44, is president of a concrete company. The FAA said he had no prior incidents or enforcement actions, according to CNN. Police told the Philadelphia Daily News that Salamone blew .13 on a breathalyzer (the legal limit is .04) after he finally landed at Limerick Airport (PTW) about 10:30 p.m. on the 15th. The flight had originated there about 6:20 p.m. While in the air, Salamone allegedly barged through controlled airspace near Philadelphia International Airport as low as 100 feet AGL. Authorities also said he raised security concerns when he "circled" the nuclear power plant ... which sits practically at the foot of the runway at PTW.