Forget Flying Cars — Take A Jet Taxi

If you’re tired of waiting for a flying car, a London company is already at work on the next big thing — a jet taxi that can zip passengers in and out of city centers faster and quieter than a helicopter. Avcen, based in London, is developing what it calls a “Very Quiet Short Takeoff and Landing Jetpod Aircab.” “We know that cities like Moscow, Tokyo and New York are crying out for something like this and there’s nothing remotely like it around,” Avcen managing director Mike Dacre told CNN. The six-seat twinjet can take off in less than 400 feet and fly at 300 knots, make half the noise of a regular jet, and sell for under a million U.S. dollars — at least, on paper. The company says it’s 16 months away from getting a proof-of-concept aircraft into the air.

If you're tired of waiting for a flying car, a London company is already at work on the next big thing -- a jet taxi that can zip passengers in and out of city centers faster and quieter than a helicopter. Avcen, based in London, is developing what it calls a "Very Quiet Short Takeoff and Landing Jetpod Aircab." "We know that cities like Moscow, Tokyo and New York are crying out for something like this and there's nothing remotely like it around," Avcen managing director Mike Dacre told CNN. The six-seat twinjet can take off in less than 400 feet and fly at 300 knots, make half the noise of a regular jet, and sell for under a million U.S. dollars -- at least, on paper. The company says it's 16 months away from getting a proof-of-concept aircraft into the air. Meanwhile, the flying-car concept continues to attract tinkerers. Discovery Channel's Monster Garage reportedly has an episode in the works that gives a team one week to turn a car into an airplane capable of sustained powered flight.