GA Coalition Meets With Security Czars
Representatives from GA’s alphabet groups met with Department of Homeland Security honchos this week to discuss various security regulations and their impact on GA flyers. Adm. James Loy, deputy secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and Rear Adm. David Stone, head of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), attended the meeting. AOPA sent President Phil Boyer, who told the security team, “We need to work together to be sure that regulations make sense. It’s pointless to have regulators making rules that can’t reasonably be implemented in the real world.” Loy pledged to create “engagement opportunities” for GA and DHS to work in concert, AOPA said.

Representatives from GA's alphabet groups met with Department of Homeland Security honchos this week to discuss various security regulations and their impact on GA flyers. Adm. James Loy, deputy secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and Rear Adm. David Stone, head of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), attended the meeting. AOPA sent President Phil Boyer, who told the security team, "We need to work together to be sure that regulations make sense. It's pointless to have regulators making rules that can't reasonably be implemented in the real world." Loy pledged to create "engagement opportunities" for GA and DHS to work in concert, AOPA said. Loy described his agency's efforts as a three-legged stool that must balance the need for security with the interests of commerce and the preservation of civil liberties. He added that there's no going back to a pre-9/11 world. "We understand that we're living under a new definition of what's 'normal,'" Boyer said, "but we also understand that we can enhance security while preserving the freedom and functionality that have made GA a critical part of our national transportation infrastructure."