Give The Gift Of Flight Via Project Pilot
Most pilots know somebody who’s shown an interest in learning to fly “someday,” and you can help bring that day closer with the gift of a Project Pilot introductory flight. AOPA’s new learn-to-fly initiative has an online database of over 3,500 flight schools, many offering first flights for $49 to $89. The Web site also has FAQs for beginners, an introductory video, tips for choosing a flight school and an instructor and advice on how to finance training. At the airport, the gift recipient will be shown how to preflight the aircraft, how to taxi and take off and go for a local flight. Its a gift thats more memorable than just another gift card or necktie.

Most pilots know somebody who's shown an interest in learning to fly "someday," and you can help bring that day closer with the gift of a Project Pilot introductory flight. AOPA's new learn-to-fly initiative has an online database of over 3,500 flight schools, many offering first flights for $49 to $89. The Web site also has FAQs for beginners, an introductory video, tips for choosing a flight school and an instructor and advice on how to finance training. At the airport, the gift recipient will be shown how to preflight the aircraft, how to taxi and take off and go for a local flight. Its a gift thats more memorable than just another gift card or necktie. Project Pilot also recruits AOPA members to act as mentors to new students. If that appeals to you, find out more at its Web site.