GPS Safe Gliding Feature Patented
Any GPS can tell you where you are but Control Vision’s Anywhere Map system tells you where you should be in case your engine quits. Anywhere Map’s “cones of safety” feature has now been patented and it falls under the category of “why didn’t I think of that?” As part of the moving map’s “personal digital co-pilot” system, the display shows an inverted cone around all airports in the vicinity within which the aircraft can glide safely to a landing. “Being within gliding range of an airport is one of the best pieces of information available to the pilot of an aircraft in distress,” said Control Vision CEO Jay Humbard.

Any GPS can tell you where you are but Control Vision's Anywhere Map system tells you where you should be in case your engine quits. Anywhere Map's "cones of safety" feature has now been patented and it falls under the category of "why didn't I think of that?" As part of the moving map's "personal digital co-pilot" system, the display shows an inverted cone around all airports in the vicinity within which the aircraft can glide safely to a landing. "Being within gliding range of an airport is one of the best pieces of information available to the pilot of an aircraft in distress," said Control Vision CEO Jay Humbard. The pilot plugs in the aircraft's performance data, including glide ratio, and the GPS continuously adjusts the gliding distance according to altitude. The display takes the shape of an inverted cone, hence the name. The GPS can also be used during flight planning to ensure the course keeps the aircraft within gliding distance of an airport for as much of the flight as possible. During the flight, if the engine quits, the pilot can highlight an airport within the cone, hit the emergency mode function, and the GPS will draw a direct flight plan to that airport. Neat.