High-Tech For The Rest Of Us

While the new-generation airplanes with their glass panels and satellite datalinks are awesome machines, the fact is there are still thousands of pilots hand-flying their little puddlejumpers behind round dials. They’re pre-planning flights on paper sectional charts, and getting their weather before they leave the ground. To help those pilots out, Enflight.com offers a newly upgraded online service with pre-flight briefings, weather information, route planning, and flight-plan filing all packaged with easy-to-read graphics and organized according to your own pre-set criteria.

While the new-generation airplanes with their glass panels and satellite datalinks are awesome machines, the fact is there are still thousands of pilots hand-flying their little puddlejumpers behind round dials. They're pre-planning flights on paper sectional charts, and getting their weather before they leave the ground. To help those pilots out, Enflight.com offers a newly upgraded online service with pre-flight briefings, weather information, route planning, and flight-plan filing all packaged with easy-to-read graphics and organized according to your own pre-set criteria. Enflight develops its own applications with a staff of senior pilots and software engineers, and does contract work for DUATS and AOPA. The service costs $59.95 a year and can be accessed online and via wireless devices.