iFly — A New GA Fractional
“Half the cost, with none of the hassle.” That’s what iFly founder Erik Lindbergh aims to deliver to pilots who want to fly state-of-the art Columbia 350s in his new fractional-ownership program, now ready to launch at six sites in Southern California. “Now more than ever, personal aircraft travel has the ability to transform your lifestyle,” Lindbergh said. “You can go where you want to go when you want to go. With iFly, it’s much more affordable and we take care of all of the management details.” The company handles insurance, maintenance, ground facilities, scheduling, and training. The member-to-aircraft ratio is 4 to 1. All scheduling is done online, with no preset limit on hours or overnight trips.

"Half the cost, with none of the hassle." That's what iFly founder Erik Lindbergh aims to deliver to pilots who want to fly state-of-the art Columbia 350s in his new fractional-ownership program, now ready to launch at six sites in Southern California. "Now more than ever, personal aircraft travel has the ability to transform your lifestyle," Lindbergh said. "You can go where you want to go when you want to go. With iFly, it's much more affordable and we take care of all of the management details." The company handles insurance, maintenance, ground facilities, scheduling, and training. The member-to-aircraft ratio is 4 to 1. All scheduling is done online, with no preset limit on hours or overnight trips. Initially, iFly will operate from Van Nuys, Santa Monica, Torrance, Long Beach, Orange County, and Carlsbad. The company plans to expand nationally at a rapid pace. Pilots who want a closer look can attend an open house at Mercury Air Center at the Long Beach Airport tomorrow from 2 to 7 p.m. and Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.