LSA Insurance Rates Not That High

Bob Mackey, of Falcon Insurance, says the premium estimate that was quoted in our Monday edition was not for a Light-Sport Aircraft but for a new Sport Pilot in an Experimental Amateur-Built Aircraft. A new Sport Pilot — as well as other pilots wishing to exercise the flight privileges of a Sport Pilot — flying a Special or Experimental Light-Sport Aircraft would most likely be quoted premiums no higher than what they would be quoted for a Standard Category aircraft, Mackey said.

Bob Mackey, of Falcon Insurance, says the premium estimate that was quoted in our Monday edition was not for a Light-Sport Aircraft but for a new Sport Pilot in an Experimental Amateur-Built Aircraft. A new Sport Pilot -- as well as other pilots wishing to exercise the flight privileges of a Sport Pilot -- flying a Special or Experimental Light-Sport Aircraft would most likely be quoted premiums no higher than what they would be quoted for a Standard Category aircraft, Mackey said.