Meigs Supporters Push Their Park Plan
The Friends of Meigs (FOM), never backing down from a fight, last week presented their latest proposal at the Chicago Park District budget meeting. The group’s plan calls for the city to reopen the airport, while developing part of the area as parkland and building an aviation museum. The FOM said its plan would solve the district’s budget problems by bringing in tens of millions of dollars in federal airport improvement funds. A vote on the proposal is expected Wednesday. The FOM is asking supporters of the former airfield to express support for the plan via an online form at their Web site.

The Friends of Meigs (FOM), never backing down from a fight, last week presented their latest proposal at the Chicago Park District budget meeting. The group's plan calls for the city to reopen the airport, while developing part of the area as parkland and building an aviation museum. The FOM said its plan would solve the district's budget problems by bringing in tens of millions of dollars in federal airport improvement funds. A vote on the proposal is expected Wednesday. The FOM is asking supporters of the former airfield to express support for the plan via an online form at their Web site. The group's site also includes an online petition, and the complete text of their "Planes & Parks" proposal. Friends of Meigs' plan includes space for nature trails, picnic areas, fishing and scuba diving, as well as an Air Museum and an operating airport.