NBAA Says BizAv Pays Its Way
Somebody must be getting a free ride, because the business-aviation folks have now declared they too — like their big brothers, the airlines — pay more than their fair share of the cost of the national airspace system. The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) hired an economics firm to study the issue, and found that bizav paid $188 million in federal excise taxes in 2001, which was $4 million more than its share of aviation costs for that year (the latest year they could get data). “This study refutes recent suggestions that the general and business aviation community does not pay its fair share of the costs of operating the nation’s air traffic control system,” said NBAA CEO Ed Bolen.

Somebody must be getting a free ride, because the business-aviation folks have now declared they too -- like their big brothers, the airlines -- pay more than their fair share of the cost of the national airspace system. The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) hired an economics firm to study the issue, and found that bizav paid $188 million in federal excise taxes in 2001, which was $4 million more than its share of aviation costs for that year (the latest year they could get data). "This study refutes recent suggestions that the general and business aviation community does not pay its fair share of the costs of operating the nation's air traffic control system," said NBAA CEO Ed Bolen. The NBAA said claims by the FAA that general aviation underpays are based on faulty analysis. Noting that the debate about cost responsibility has dragged on for decades, the study urged action by Congress to reapportion aviation funding.